Sunday, November 28

Cat is out of the bag...

my man told his parents what I do. We spent the holiday with his family and while I was upstairs getting ready to take a shower I heard, "It's her business. I have mine and she has hers." I didn't know what he was talking about, I don't have a business. So I shrugged it off and went to take my shower. When we were next alone I asked him what he had meant and who he was talking about. He said he was talking about me and he had told his parents about my writing.

My reaction? Basically a loud, "What?!" Don't get me wrong, I'm not ashamed of what I do. I just realize not everyone in my life will be OK with it. My in-laws are very religious (nothing wrong with that, I think it's great) and I'm not sure they would see my writing as appropriate. In fact, some of my stories are very not appropriate (which is kind of the point of erotica). When I asked about his parents reaction, he said they took it fine, they just smiled and went about their business. Which to me means they just didn't know how to take it. The good news is they didn't treat me any different after they knew. But they also didn't ask any questions. None.

When I told my parents they asked all sorts of questions not only about my chosen genre, but also about my writing in general. And specific, "If I were to read a story, would I wonder how you would know about the topic?" Yeah, mom, you probably would.

So we'll see what the future holds. Most likely, they'll just pretend they don't know.

Tuesday, November 23

Happy Thanksgiving!!

I'm heading to my in-laws' house tomorrow. Hopefully, between all the festivities I'll be able to write. We'll see.

What I'm I thankful for? So, so many things: loving family, the ability to do something I love (write), great day job I also love, and many more. But this week, it's in-laws I get along with. They really are great. Not sure how they would react to the whole writing erotica thing, but they are awesome to me and always have been.

What are you thankful for?

Hope everyone has a fabulous holiday! And for those of you who don't celebrate Thanksgiving, have a great week!

P.S. I haven't heard anything yet. I hear it can take months to get a rejection letter. However, I submitted for an anthology they already planned to publish, so maybe it won't take as long. I don't know if "no news is good news" but at least I didn't get an immediate rejection. Of course, maybe they haven't read it yet. *shrugs* We'll see.

Monday, November 15

My cherry has been popped... submission cherry that is. hmmmm...that's not right. (Well, it is, but its not what I meant.) What I meant was, I submitted a story to a publisher for the very first time.

Every published author says they received hundreds (OK, maybe not hundreds, but a lot) of rejections before they were ever published. So we'll see. This is probably just going to be the first of many rejections, but you have to start somewhere, right?

Either way, I'm excited. Just one more step closer to my dream. :)

And sorry, but the story I submitted was the one I planned on posting to Lit. The submission guidelines say it can't be published any where on the net. So instead of posting it and then taking it down (if the story gets accepted), I've just decided to hold off posting it. If it gets rejected, I'll post it. Sorry to those of you chomping at the bit to read my words, I know there are tons. *winks* 


Wednesday, November 10

A little too ambitious…

So 3,000 words a week might have been a little too ambitious for me. Doesn’t seem like it’s a huge number or that hard really, but I wasn’t able to do it last week. I wrote quite a bit (although still not 3,000) on Saturday, maybe I could just say my week ended then and call it good? Yep, done. The week ends on Saturday night at midnight, and 2,000 words is pretty close to 3,000 (not really, but work with me here).
Anyway, moving on. The story I worked on is called Brand-Spankin’ New (filler title was New Beginnings). Guess what it’s about. J I should finish it by this weekend, I’ll get it edited and hopefully it will be on Lit sometime in the next week or so. (fingers crossed)
Answer: 150 blahs and six other words. Did you get it right? Anywhere close? I was waaaay off. Again.

Monday, November 1

Get Ready, Set, Go...

I’ve been sick the last few days and I’m finding it hard to focus.  I have this really great start to a new story I wrote two weeks ago, but just can’t get back into it.  Must be all the coughing up of the lungs.  Sexy, right?  Wrong. 
I have a full time day job, I’m a mom and wife, and I’m writing.  When I get home after work, I have to cook (MM is great about cleaning, so I don’t have to worry about that), spend quality time with family, get little one ready for bed, which consists of: bath, brush teeth, send him to go potty before we put pajamas on, put on pajamas, comment on the messy room we need to clean – again, read a bedtime story, hugs and kisses, tuck him into bed, then five minutes later tuck him back in bed because he got up to go potty again.  Busy, busy.  By the time I’m done, I’m exhausted.  Maybe not physically (I do have a desk job), but my brain hurts, if you know what I mean.  “And I’m sick,” she whines.
My family has a sort of different than average schedule, with my husband and I having different days off.   While he goes to work at 4:30am, I go to work at 8:00am; he leaves work at 2:00pm and I get off at 5:00pm (get off of work, you dirty minds).  All this to say, I don’t have much free time on my own to write, unless I want to stay up real late and be miserable at my day job the next day. 
I love to write, want to write, need to write.  I just can’t find the time.  I know, I know.  That’s just an excuse.  Trust me, I know. 
So, I’ve decided to make a sort of writing deadline for me.  I will strive to write at least 3,000 words a week.  I know it doesn’t sound like much, and if it turns out it’s too easy to accomplish, then I will raise the word count.  (I promise.)  Right now though, I think it’s a good start from 0 (which is last week’s count). 
If you’re a part time writer, what are your tricks to keep from being too exhausted to write?