Wednesday, February 16


I've decided after I finish my current project, I'm going to re-edit and expand Unexpected Appointment (my first story posted on Lit).

This was the first erotic story I ever wrote, and as such, it needs some trimming and adding. Unexpected Appointment only took me an afternoon to write--it just kind of flowed out of me--so it's pretty raw. I was in a hurry to share it (not always a good thing for a writer) and didn't take my time to let is sit before I re-editted and then posted.

It's been about six months since I lasted looked at it, and I'm ready to polish it up. I think I want to send it to a publisher, so I'll also need to take some of the 'questionable morals' out of the story. But don't worry, it will still be hot. *wink*

Monday, February 14

Happy Valentine's Day

I am currently 7500 words into a story I anticipate being around 20k words. So, Yay Me!

I would be further along, but I'm one of those writers who when I sit down to write, I re-read everything I wrote the last time and edit it. I'm not sure if that makes me a better or worse writer, but there it is.

I hope everyone is having a great lover's holiday. Remember: read some smut and use the inspiration wisely. :)