Monday, January 24

It's....Kaput. Crapped Out. Finished. Dead. computer that is. Last weekend (before my day of writing - I used my hubby's computer to do that) my computer just shut down. Well, no. It turned off, not shut down. Like I had lost power, but my battery light (and the pop-up warning) never came on, so I didn't know what happened. I took it to the geeks at the computer store, but they said my warranty was expired and it was going to cost me $800 to get it looked at. WHAT?! I didn't even spend that much on the dumb thing when I bought it brand new.

I knew my in-laws were coming into town this weekend (and my father-in-law is a computer wiz) so I figured he could take a look and hopefully fix it. His diagnose? "It's dead. Might as well buy a new one." Damn!

Hubby has let me take over his netbook until I get a new notebook, but it's not the same. I want my baby back!

FIL was able to save all my data (including Internet favorites) so it wasn't a total disaster, but still. These little netbook screens are small; especially when at my day job I use two full sized desktop monitors. But I guess beggers can't be chosers, and I did write quite a bit on the netbook before without a problem...


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