After my birthday things just sort of went crazy for me. I was sick, my son was sick, we had a death in the family, my day job went insane...I'll try to post more soon, but for now I'm trying to relax and catch up on some reading.
Monday, April 18
Wednesday, March 16
It's My Birthday!
Happy Birthday to Meeeee!!!
As I look over the past year, I realize how truly blessed I am.
Around this time last year, my hubby was having surgery to fuse part of his spine together. (He had been in a car accident and broken his neck in two places.) And while he may never be 100% again, he is doing really well and is even back to teaching martial arts.
My son is growing like a weed and amazing me everyday. Sometimes it's big things like writing his name for the first time. Sometimes it the little things like when I told him he looked like his daddy, he placed his hand on his head and with his eyes wide and nervous said, "Is my hair gone?" (My hubby shaves his head.) I was laughing so hard I cried.
I've also started (or gotten serious) about my writing career. Like all new writers, I still struggle with the demands of my other responsiblities and still getting time to write, but I'm learning and I'm enjoying the hell out of it.
Here's to another great year!
Saturday, March 12
Back to Work...
I just bought a new computer! Super excited and I love love LOVE it!
It's a 17 inch screen/display and love how much extra viewing I have. During my day job, I have two desktop screens and I've gotten so used to having all the extra room with several programs open and viewed at once. It was hard for me to go home and write on my hubby's small netbook. Consequently, I haven't written much this last month. But I'm back to work now and loving every minute of it. :)
It's a 17 inch screen/display and love how much extra viewing I have. During my day job, I have two desktop screens and I've gotten so used to having all the extra room with several programs open and viewed at once. It was hard for me to go home and write on my hubby's small netbook. Consequently, I haven't written much this last month. But I'm back to work now and loving every minute of it. :)
Tuesday, March 8
Free ebooks!
In honor of Read an eBook Week, one of the awesome UK publishers is offering a free ebook for every visitor to their new website. You are able to choose from one of eight anthologies which each have five short stories.
The titles available are:A Caning For A Goddess - spanking
All The Boys - gay
Aztec Gold – fantasy
Chocolate Lover – rubenesque
One More Night – ménage and more
The Strap-On – mixed kinky themes
The Twin’s Initiation – mixed themes
Under the Sex – sex at work
So go grab yourself one and get to reading!!
All The Boys - gay
Aztec Gold – fantasy
Chocolate Lover – rubenesque
One More Night – ménage and more
The Strap-On – mixed kinky themes
The Twin’s Initiation – mixed themes
Under the Sex – sex at work
So go grab yourself one and get to reading!!

Wednesday, February 16
I've decided after I finish my current project, I'm going to re-edit and expand Unexpected Appointment (my first story posted on Lit).
This was the first erotic story I ever wrote, and as such, it needs some trimming and adding. Unexpected Appointment only took me an afternoon to write--it just kind of flowed out of me--so it's pretty raw. I was in a hurry to share it (not always a good thing for a writer) and didn't take my time to let is sit before I re-editted and then posted.
It's been about six months since I lasted looked at it, and I'm ready to polish it up. I think I want to send it to a publisher, so I'll also need to take some of the 'questionable morals' out of the story. But don't worry, it will still be hot. *wink*
This was the first erotic story I ever wrote, and as such, it needs some trimming and adding. Unexpected Appointment only took me an afternoon to write--it just kind of flowed out of me--so it's pretty raw. I was in a hurry to share it (not always a good thing for a writer) and didn't take my time to let is sit before I re-editted and then posted.
It's been about six months since I lasted looked at it, and I'm ready to polish it up. I think I want to send it to a publisher, so I'll also need to take some of the 'questionable morals' out of the story. But don't worry, it will still be hot. *wink*
Monday, February 14
Happy Valentine's Day
I am currently 7500 words into a story I anticipate being around 20k words. So, Yay Me!
I would be further along, but I'm one of those writers who when I sit down to write, I re-read everything I wrote the last time and edit it. I'm not sure if that makes me a better or worse writer, but there it is.
I hope everyone is having a great lover's holiday. Remember: read some smut and use the inspiration wisely. :)
Monday, January 24
It's....Kaput. Crapped Out. Finished. Dead. computer that is. Last weekend (before my day of writing - I used my hubby's computer to do that) my computer just shut down. Well, no. It turned off, not shut down. Like I had lost power, but my battery light (and the pop-up warning) never came on, so I didn't know what happened. I took it to the geeks at the computer store, but they said my warranty was expired and it was going to cost me $800 to get it looked at. WHAT?! I didn't even spend that much on the dumb thing when I bought it brand new.
I knew my in-laws were coming into town this weekend (and my father-in-law is a computer wiz) so I figured he could take a look and hopefully fix it. His diagnose? "It's dead. Might as well buy a new one." Damn!
Hubby has let me take over his netbook until I get a new notebook, but it's not the same. I want my baby back!
FIL was able to save all my data (including Internet favorites) so it wasn't a total disaster, but still. These little netbook screens are small; especially when at my day job I use two full sized desktop monitors. But I guess beggers can't be chosers, and I did write quite a bit on the netbook before without a problem...
I knew my in-laws were coming into town this weekend (and my father-in-law is a computer wiz) so I figured he could take a look and hopefully fix it. His diagnose? "It's dead. Might as well buy a new one." Damn!
Hubby has let me take over his netbook until I get a new notebook, but it's not the same. I want my baby back!
FIL was able to save all my data (including Internet favorites) so it wasn't a total disaster, but still. These little netbook screens are small; especially when at my day job I use two full sized desktop monitors. But I guess beggers can't be chosers, and I did write quite a bit on the netbook before without a problem...
Monday, January 17
3000 words...
today. Not bad, not bad at all. Wish it could have been more, but it turned out not to be a waste of a day.
Let's just hope the writing isn't crap. I don't think it is, but I need to let it sit and simmer, then I'll come back, read it again and decide. :)
Let's just hope the writing isn't crap. I don't think it is, but I need to let it sit and simmer, then I'll come back, read it again and decide. :)
So Much Time, So Little Getting Done
I have the day off, and so I decided to take the little one to daycare and spend my whole day writing. But of course this is the day the city decides to take care of the pot holes, overgrown trees, and general maintenance on my street. Bang, bang, bang...Not really conducive to quiet writing time.
When I write, I pretty much need silence otherwise my undiagnosed ADD kicks in and I can't focus.
So now I'm going to put some ear phones in and try to get something done...Let's just hope I don't have to completely scratch it out later because it's oh so bad and not in a good way. *wink* :)
Friday, January 7
My New Nickname...
...Crash. That is what my hubby just named me. Because this morning while walking up the stairs in a parking garage to go into my day job, I fell. Thankfully, not down the stairs, but still.
I missed the next step and instead I fell forward and banged my shin. Now I have a nice black and blue bruise plus a knot that feels the size of a grape fruit.
The up side is my co-workers are really taking care of me, some medication (over the counter, don't worry) to help the swelling go down, an ice pack and a nice chair to rest my leg up on. It is kind of hard to work while sitting with one leg under the desk and the other up on a chair to the side of me. If it weren't for the pain in my leg, it would be a pretty good position for some other things. *wink* Ah, the possibilities.
There's probably even a good start to a story in this situation, but I'm having some trouble focusing on erotic thoughts while my body throbs, and not in a good way.
I missed the next step and instead I fell forward and banged my shin. Now I have a nice black and blue bruise plus a knot that feels the size of a grape fruit.
The up side is my co-workers are really taking care of me, some medication (over the counter, don't worry) to help the swelling go down, an ice pack and a nice chair to rest my leg up on. It is kind of hard to work while sitting with one leg under the desk and the other up on a chair to the side of me. If it weren't for the pain in my leg, it would be a pretty good position for some other things. *wink* Ah, the possibilities.
There's probably even a good start to a story in this situation, but I'm having some trouble focusing on erotic thoughts while my body throbs, and not in a good way.
Monday, January 3
I signed up for things...
...without knowing what I was getting into.
I read a few blogs (to the right) and one of the authors I love (and I mean love, love, LOVE) said the best place for writers to go for a ton of tips was Erotica Readers and Writers Association. So I went and I signed up (for all four or five groups). I'm still learning my way around and, "Whoa boy!" its crazy.
Not only is it a website of information (call for submissions, adult toys, stories posted, etc.), but from what I can tell, it's also kind of like a chat but through email. Cool, right? Wrong. For someone like me (easily distracted) it's crazy! I have Google Desktop and when the little email box loads and says I have another email, I HAVE to read it. Right then. Like. Right. Now.
I'm either going to have to unsubscribe (which would kind of bum me out because the posts/comments are kinda fun to read and get good info from) or figure out how to automatically send them to an email folder so they don't show up in my inbox. I'm sure there is a way to do that, I've just never tried. Off I go.

UPDATE: Well, I set up an automatic forward to a folder and it seems to be working. So...Yay!
I read a few blogs (to the right) and one of the authors I love (and I mean love, love, LOVE) said the best place for writers to go for a ton of tips was Erotica Readers and Writers Association. So I went and I signed up (for all four or five groups). I'm still learning my way around and, "Whoa boy!" its crazy.
Not only is it a website of information (call for submissions, adult toys, stories posted, etc.), but from what I can tell, it's also kind of like a chat but through email. Cool, right? Wrong. For someone like me (easily distracted) it's crazy! I have Google Desktop and when the little email box loads and says I have another email, I HAVE to read it. Right then. Like. Right. Now.
I'm either going to have to unsubscribe (which would kind of bum me out because the posts/comments are kinda fun to read and get good info from) or figure out how to automatically send them to an email folder so they don't show up in my inbox. I'm sure there is a way to do that, I've just never tried. Off I go.

UPDATE: Well, I set up an automatic forward to a folder and it seems to be working. So...Yay!
Friday, December 31
Happy New Year!
Tonight I am going to be at home in front of my laptop with my earphones in and typing away. I'm working on my latest project and I can't seem to get it out fast enough.
Last night, as I lay in bed trying to get to sleep, I kept having these scenes play out, dialogue, and orders of events I want to remember. (This actually happens to me a lot, and I think, 'I'll remember it when I wake up.' But I never do.) Because I always struggle to remember what I had thought of the previous night, I decided to write it down. But...No pen/paper at hand. (It was cold last night, and I didn't want to get out of my warm bed.) So, there I am, typing in my memo pad on my cell phone the things I don't want to forget. My thumbs were so achy when I put the phone down, I couldn't help but laugh at myself.
So, my plans are to expanded and transfer what I typed last night. What are you doing?
I hope everyone has a safe and fun New Year!!
Last night, as I lay in bed trying to get to sleep, I kept having these scenes play out, dialogue, and orders of events I want to remember. (This actually happens to me a lot, and I think, 'I'll remember it when I wake up.' But I never do.) Because I always struggle to remember what I had thought of the previous night, I decided to write it down. But...No pen/paper at hand. (It was cold last night, and I didn't want to get out of my warm bed.) So, there I am, typing in my memo pad on my cell phone the things I don't want to forget. My thumbs were so achy when I put the phone down, I couldn't help but laugh at myself.
So, my plans are to expanded and transfer what I typed last night. What are you doing?
I hope everyone has a safe and fun New Year!!
Monday, December 20
Crazy Busy...
I always have so much to do in December, but I never feel like I get any of it done.
It's the home stretch to Christmas and I still have so much to do. I'm sorry I haven't been posting more; I feel like I haven't stopped going since my last post. Gifts to buy, parties to attend, stories to write, and oh yeah, child to take care of, dinner to make, day job to go to...I'm exhausted. When does my vacation time kick in for next year?
On a side note, while shopping for gifts for family and friends, I bought some sexy new 'alone time with hubby' outfits. They were on sale and I went a little crazy. When hubby saw the store name on the bags he, too, went a little crazy. We had a blast and a bang with my little fashion show. *wink*
It's the home stretch to Christmas and I still have so much to do. I'm sorry I haven't been posting more; I feel like I haven't stopped going since my last post. Gifts to buy, parties to attend, stories to write, and oh yeah, child to take care of, dinner to make, day job to go to...I'm exhausted. When does my vacation time kick in for next year?
On a side note, while shopping for gifts for family and friends, I bought some sexy new 'alone time with hubby' outfits. They were on sale and I went a little crazy. When hubby saw the store name on the bags he, too, went a little crazy. We had a blast and a bang with my little fashion show. *wink*
Tuesday, December 7
I called in sick...
to my day job yesterday. My little one woke up with a slight fever yesterday morning, and so, I stayed home with him. I put him back down to sleep, and when he woke up at around 11:00 am, his fever had broke (was broken?). It was actually a good day after that. I was able to get a couple of hours of writing in (woohoo, started a new story) and catch up on some of my TV shows while LO played and colored.
For a sick day, it wasn't half bad.
P.S. You can find this awesome handmade magnet here.
Sunday, November 28
Cat is out of the bag...
my man told his parents what I do. We spent the holiday with his family and while I was upstairs getting ready to take a shower I heard, "It's her business. I have mine and she has hers." I didn't know what he was talking about, I don't have a business. So I shrugged it off and went to take my shower. When we were next alone I asked him what he had meant and who he was talking about. He said he was talking about me and he had told his parents about my writing.
My reaction? Basically a loud, "What?!" Don't get me wrong, I'm not ashamed of what I do. I just realize not everyone in my life will be OK with it. My in-laws are very religious (nothing wrong with that, I think it's great) and I'm not sure they would see my writing as appropriate. In fact, some of my stories are very not appropriate (which is kind of the point of erotica). When I asked about his parents reaction, he said they took it fine, they just smiled and went about their business. Which to me means they just didn't know how to take it. The good news is they didn't treat me any different after they knew. But they also didn't ask any questions. None.
When I told my parents they asked all sorts of questions not only about my chosen genre, but also about my writing in general. And specific, "If I were to read a story, would I wonder how you would know about the topic?" Yeah, mom, you probably would.
My reaction? Basically a loud, "What?!" Don't get me wrong, I'm not ashamed of what I do. I just realize not everyone in my life will be OK with it. My in-laws are very religious (nothing wrong with that, I think it's great) and I'm not sure they would see my writing as appropriate. In fact, some of my stories are very not appropriate (which is kind of the point of erotica). When I asked about his parents reaction, he said they took it fine, they just smiled and went about their business. Which to me means they just didn't know how to take it. The good news is they didn't treat me any different after they knew. But they also didn't ask any questions. None.
When I told my parents they asked all sorts of questions not only about my chosen genre, but also about my writing in general. And specific, "If I were to read a story, would I wonder how you would know about the topic?" Yeah, mom, you probably would.
So we'll see what the future holds. Most likely, they'll just pretend they don't know.
Tuesday, November 23
Happy Thanksgiving!!
I'm heading to my in-laws' house tomorrow. Hopefully, between all the festivities I'll be able to write. We'll see.
What I'm I thankful for? So, so many things: loving family, the ability to do something I love (write), great day job I also love, and many more. But this week, it's in-laws I get along with. They really are great. Not sure how they would react to the whole writing erotica thing, but they are awesome to me and always have been.
What are you thankful for?
Hope everyone has a fabulous holiday! And for those of you who don't celebrate Thanksgiving, have a great week!
What I'm I thankful for? So, so many things: loving family, the ability to do something I love (write), great day job I also love, and many more. But this week, it's in-laws I get along with. They really are great. Not sure how they would react to the whole writing erotica thing, but they are awesome to me and always have been.
What are you thankful for?
Hope everyone has a fabulous holiday! And for those of you who don't celebrate Thanksgiving, have a great week!
P.S. I haven't heard anything yet. I hear it can take months to get a rejection letter. However, I submitted for an anthology they already planned to publish, so maybe it won't take as long. I don't know if "no news is good news" but at least I didn't get an immediate rejection. Of course, maybe they haven't read it yet. *shrugs* We'll see.
Monday, November 15
My cherry has been popped... submission cherry that is. hmmmm...that's not right. (Well, it is, but its not what I meant.) What I meant was, I submitted a story to a publisher for the very first time.
Every published author says they received hundreds (OK, maybe not hundreds, but a lot) of rejections before they were ever published. So we'll see. This is probably just going to be the first of many rejections, but you have to start somewhere, right?
Either way, I'm excited. Just one more step closer to my dream. :)
And sorry, but the story I submitted was the one I planned on posting to Lit. The submission guidelines say it can't be published any where on the net. So instead of posting it and then taking it down (if the story gets accepted), I've just decided to hold off posting it. If it gets rejected, I'll post it. Sorry to those of you chomping at the bit to read my words, I know there are tons. *winks*
Wednesday, November 10
A little too ambitious…
So 3,000 words a week might have been a little too ambitious for me. Doesn’t seem like it’s a huge number or that hard really, but I wasn’t able to do it last week. I wrote quite a bit (although still not 3,000) on Saturday, maybe I could just say my week ended then and call it good? Yep, done. The week ends on Saturday night at midnight, and 2,000 words is pretty close to 3,000 (not really, but work with me here).
Anyway, moving on. The story I worked on is called Brand-Spankin’ New (filler title was New Beginnings). Guess what it’s about. J I should finish it by this weekend, I’ll get it edited and hopefully it will be on Lit sometime in the next week or so. (fingers crossed)
Answer: 150 blahs and six other words. Did you get it right? Anywhere close? I was waaaay off. Again.
Monday, November 1
Get Ready, Set, Go...
I’ve been sick the last few days and I’m finding it hard to focus. I have this really great start to a new story I wrote two weeks ago, but just can’t get back into it. Must be all the coughing up of the lungs. Sexy, right? Wrong.
I have a full time day job, I’m a mom and wife, and I’m writing. When I get home after work, I have to cook (MM is great about cleaning, so I don’t have to worry about that), spend quality time with family, get little one ready for bed, which consists of: bath, brush teeth, send him to go potty before we put pajamas on, put on pajamas, comment on the messy room we need to clean – again, read a bedtime story, hugs and kisses, tuck him into bed, then five minutes later tuck him back in bed because he got up to go potty again. Busy, busy. By the time I’m done, I’m exhausted. Maybe not physically (I do have a desk job), but my brain hurts, if you know what I mean. “And I’m sick,” she whines.
My family has a sort of different than average schedule, with my husband and I having different days off. While he goes to work at 4:30am, I go to work at 8:00am; he leaves work at 2:00pm and I get off at 5:00pm (get off of work, you dirty minds). All this to say, I don’t have much free time on my own to write, unless I want to stay up real late and be miserable at my day job the next day.
I love to write, want to write, need to write. I just can’t find the time. I know, I know. That’s just an excuse. Trust me, I know.
So, I’ve decided to make a sort of writing deadline for me. I will strive to write at least 3,000 words a week. I know it doesn’t sound like much, and if it turns out it’s too easy to accomplish, then I will raise the word count. (I promise.) Right now though, I think it’s a good start from 0 (which is last week’s count).
If you’re a part time writer, what are your tricks to keep from being too exhausted to write?
Friday, October 22
Damn and Double Damn!
For the last couple of days my story has been posted on Lit and I'm just now being told by readers that I left a sentence from my editor on the story. Damn! I thought I had deleted all of them! I mean, they were bright yellow for fuck's sake. I promise I'll fix it. Damn!
Take care,
P.S. Did I say "Damn"? Yes? OK, just making sure.
Take care,
P.S. Did I say "Damn"? Yes? OK, just making sure.
Thursday, October 21
Comments, baby! Gotta love 'em! Really.
I love comments from my readers. Even the negative ones. Why? Because then I get to know what all my readers actually think about my writing. Do I love the praising comments better? Of course, who doesn't? I don't strive for the negative, but it does let me know why my story has the score it does. I currently have a 4.08 score, so on average most people like it, which is AWESOME. I'm just thrilled! Thank you all for your votes!
Take care,
Take care,
Sunday, October 17
Stick a Fork in It
It’s done! I’m done. With my latest project, that is. Whew. I’ve stared at it so long my eyes are going crossed; I sent it to my editor again for a final polish and I got it back that same day, which was pretty awesome and fast. I have fixed the last changes he suggested, and submitted the story to Literotica. It’s a story about a housewife who is unhappy with her current life, she meets a new neighbor and suddenly things are starting to look a little better. I started this story from my Flash Fuck Me entry; I wrote my entry and suddenly I had this idea about a woman being watched while tanning. And from there this story was born. I’m really excited for you to read it, so I thought I would post an excerpt. I hope you enjoy it!
I was in the back of the house when I heard the sound of the delivery guy at the front door. As I walked up to the over to answer it, I looked through one of the front windows and saw Keller standing there holding a couple of pizzas. My heart started racing and I took a few moments to calm down. He looked a little worn out like he’d spent a hard day at work. His shirt was crumpled and had a couple of grease stains, but he was just as gorgeous as usual.
I looked down at my oversized t-shirt and wish I had put something sexier on after my shower. I shrugged. Nothing I can do about it now, I thought as I opened the door.
“I didn’t expect to see you here,” I said with a welcoming smile.
“It’s not glamorous, but it gets the bills paid,” he replied with a smile.
“It can’t be paying all that much.” I noticed his eyes taking a leisurely tour of my body.
“No, but it’s paying something, and that counts.”
“Speaking of paying. How much do I owe you?” I asked.
He checked the ticket before replying, “Twenty-five fifty.”
I grabbed the cash Greg had left off of the side table next to the door and handed it to him. “Here. Keep the change,” I said, and took the boxes from him.
He counted out the funds and replied, “That’s nearly a fifteen dollar tip. I can’t take that.”
“Sure you can. I don’t have anything smaller than the twenties.”
“I’ve got change out in the car. I’ll go get it,” he said as he turned to go.
“Keller,” I whispered. And he stopped. He turned back to face me with confusion in his eyes. “Keller, are you done working?” I asked.
A wary, “Yes,” was his response.
“This is way too much pizza for just me. Why don’t you come in and eat a late dinner with me? My husband is out for the night and I could really use some company other than my book,” I said as I stepped back to allow him inside.
He nodded his head as he walked through the front door. I wasn’t sure if he accepted my excuse or if he just wanted to see were this would lead him. My house was silent and the door shutting seemed unnaturally loud.
“Here let me grab those for you,” he offered as he took the pies back from me. He followed me down the hall to the living room and placed the pizzas down where I indicated on the coffee table.
“Sit down, and I’ll get some plates,” I told him. “You want something to drink?”
Along with the plates I also grabbed two bottles of beer from the fridge. “I’m not sure how old you are, but I brought you a beer. I hope you can have it?” I asked.
“Yeah, I’m old enough to have it,” he replied and smiled at me.
I handed him one of the drinks and leaned over to open one of the pizza boxes. I purposely let the neck of my shirt gape open giving him a direct view of my swaying breasts. When I looked up from my bent over position I saw he had taken the bait; and judging from the growing length in his pants, he was enjoying the view.
As I moved around the couch to sit next to him I said, “I would normally change, but since you’ve seen me naked I figure there’s not much point,” I shrugged. He just smiled, but didn’t or couldn’t lift his eyes from my chest. “So, I think your dad mentioned something about you going to school. Did you attend classes this summer?”
“Yeah. I want to get done with school as soon as possible. I’m trying to save enough so that this winter I can move out and not have to work so much while I finish my last semester,” he answered.
“I remember those days. Working, going to class, and not really doing much else.”
We continued to talk and eat and got to know each other outside of the backyard viewings. We discussed all sorts of different topics: What he was majoring in; what he wanted to do with his degree. We talked about how I had gone to college and gotten a degree but when I got married, my husband had asked me to quit working. I explained how I was growing bored and wanted to get another job but anytime I discussed it with Greg, he would get upset and we would argue. He explained to me how the move to this neighborhood was really for his mom.
“There was kind of a scandal, and she wanted to leave,” he told me.
We were facing each other each with an arm resting on the back of the sofa. I had pulled one of my legs underneath me and my t-shirt had ridden up my thighs. I noticed Keller kept stealing peeks at the shadowed V between my legs. I opened them slightly to give him a better view. I could feel my pussy getting moist and knew there would be a dark stain on my light blue panties. The thought of Keller knowing how aroused I was only made me wetter. I wanted to see if he was hard, but I couldn’t. I would occasionally glance down at his lap, but since he also had a bent leg resting on the couch it was difficult to tell. He either wasn’t hard, or was good at hiding it.
“What kind of scandal?” I asked looking back into his eyes.
“I don’t really want to get into it right now; I shouldn’t even have mentioned it. Let’s just say there was some neighborhood gossip and my mom needed to leave, so we did,” he shared as he gave me a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes.
“I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to pry,” I said as I placed my hand on his.
“No, it’s ok. You’re ok. It’s just…It’s so easy to talk to you. I find myself telling you things I normally wouldn’t share with someone I’ve only recently met.”
“I feel the same way.” I thought back over the last month, and I remembered all the times Greg brushed me off to go see his friends or go hang out at some bar. I recalled all of the times he had left me unsatisfied after sex. Then I thought about the last few days and how without even touching me, Keller had made me feel more sexy and alive than I had in a long time. I thought about all the discreet glances and what I hoped they meant, what I needed them to mean. And I made my decision.
I rubbed my thumb along the knuckles of his hand and said, “Keller, I want to ask you something, and I want you to be honest.”
He tore his eyes away from my shirt hem and replied, “Sure. Ask me.”
“Do you think I’m attractive?” I asked.
“Uh, I, I think your beautiful,” he asked. He looked at me like I had just grown a second head.
“That’s sweet,” I said as I smiled at him.
“It’s true. You’re beautiful and sexy. I don’t know why you would even have to ask me that.” He pushed his legs out and for the first time tonight I was able to see his stiff cock under his jeans.
At the sight my pussy clenched and I felt more moisture gather in my panties. “I have a confession, Keller.” I removed my hand from on top of his and placed it on his thigh.
He swallowed. “What’s that?”
“I think you’re sexy, too,” I whispered. “In fact, I want you. Do you want me?”
I watched his hands flex and then squeeze into fists like he was trying to stop himself from reaching out. “Yes,” he whispered.
I grabbed one of his hands in both of mine. I peeled his fingers lose and placed his open palm on my breast. He went straight to work on it; tweaking and rolling the tightening nipple while he palmed the rest. “Oh, yes,” I moaned.
Take care,Jane
P.S. My best friend is getting married, and I love, love, LOVE these shoes for the wedding.
Wednesday, October 6
Complete Overhaul
I finally got an editor. And whoa, boy. Ouch. The VE (volunteer editor’s) made a lot of suggestions/edits; all of which were helpful. So, I’m back to the drawing board or laptop as the case may be.
I’ve already started working on it again, and I think it is much improved. The sex is more graphic/descriptive (one of the VE's complaints) and I’ve really gotten into my main character’s mind set better.
I took a lot the VE’s advise and deleted some things and re-wrote/re-arranged others. The story was originally around 7500 words, but now it's at 8500 and still going. I had originally let the story stop on a kind of bittersweet note with no definite ending. My idea was to let the reader decide; a sort of "happy for now" ending. However, once I was fully submersed in writing it again, I knew how I had to finish the story. The idea just sort of popped into my head and I had to write it. Consequently, I have a beginning, most of the middle and the end. Now I just have to write the remaining parts in-between and I’ll be done.
I like this new version already. I think you will too.
Take care,
Sunday, September 26
I just finished another story and I’m super-duper excited to share it. However, I am trying to find an editor on Literotica (a volunteer service they offer), but I just can’t find one that jumps out at me. I’m reading their profiles and trying to see if I could find one that I can see myself clicking with, but haven’t had much luck. I did find one a few days ago I thought might work, but he has yet to contact me back and I’m afraid I have to start my search over.
I didn’t use an editor with my first story, but I want to with this one. I want a different opinion than my own and Manly Man’s and maybe some suggestions for changes if they are necessary. It’s hard to look at my work and read it like someone else would. Every time I read it I change something which is not always a bad thing, but can be. I’m afraid in trying to make it better; I am working it too much. Is that possible?
I didn’t use an editor with my first story, but I want to with this one. I want a different opinion than my own and Manly Man’s and maybe some suggestions for changes if they are necessary. It’s hard to look at my work and read it like someone else would. Every time I read it I change something which is not always a bad thing, but can be. I’m afraid in trying to make it better; I am working it too much. Is that possible?
Take care,
Monday, September 20
Chapters vs. Postings
So, if you’ve read my “About Me” section you know that I post my stories on Literotica under the username hotbabydoll. My first post was the first chapter in a story I was excited to share. Perhaps a little too excited. I basically wrote that first section in an afternoon and wanted to share it so badly I couldn’t wait to finish the whole thing before I submitted it for the site.
I received great feedback and a ton of people read it, close to 15,000, with in the first week. I only received a few votes, around 40 or so, with those first thousand viewers. I’m not sure why, but I expected a lot more votes. I mean, 15,000 people read it and only 40 votes? That’s less than a half percent on average.
I recently posted the second installment and now close to 25,000 people have read the first installment and somewhere around 13,000 for the second. I currently have a “hot” rating on the first chapter with a score of 4.56 (out of 5) and a 4.34 on the second.
If only 13,000 people have read the second installment that’s close to half of the people who have read the first. If I had posted them together, then more people would have read the full story. Now, however, some people out there missed out on the full experience I was trying to give.
I know when I read a story on the site, I often have multiple chapters (postings) to read and I’m rarely left hanging. In my rush when I submitted chapter one, I didn’t think this through. I didn’t fully comprehend (because I didn't think about it) that when the readers finish chapter 1 they vote or not, and move on to the next chapter. My story wouldn’t immediately have a next chapter posted. There is no way to “tag” a story to come back to (not that I know of anyway), so if the full story is not there to read all at once, the second part tends to get over looked when it finally is posted. I wasn’t left hanging because I was new to the site and the current authors had already had time to post several of their chapters, but because I was new to the site, my readers would be left waiting.
I’m not sure if I’ll submit a story in one full submission or break it into chapters to post all at the same time, but I don’t think I’ll post another story that isn’t complete. Doing so, in my short experience, leaves a lot to be desired.
Lesson learned.
Take care,
Friday, September 17
Flash Fuck Me, Baby - contest
So one of my favorite authors (she's also an editor), Alison Tyler, hosted a contest for flash fiction. There is no hard and fast definition for flash fiction, but basically it is a snipet of fiction, a very-short story or part of a story. It can range from a certain number of characters (like Twitter's limit of 140) to a couple hundred or thousand words.
In this case, Ms. Tyler asked authors (anyone could enter) to annonymously write 100-words of flash fiction. The contest would end on Sept. 15 and she would let us know who won the prizes.
I was blown away with all of the entries, and of course, had to enter myself. I wrote "My Favorite Story." I told manly man I was definitely not going to win anything with all the other fabulous entries out there. To which in true loving he replied, "Quit putting your writing down. So, it's not perfect, it'll get better the more you do it." I do tend to put my writing down, but some of the flash fiction entered was truly great, and definitely better than mine. There I go again.
Ms. Tyler announced yesterday that she was also blown away and instead of a readers poll (there were so many entries and some authors didn't title their stories), she was going to feature each author on her blog (which I am super excited about). We each also won a copy of one of her short-short collections and a chance to be "involved" with the new book she is working on (also a real honor for any writer).
Will I get too be "involved" in her book? I don't know, but it was a truly fun experience to even get to enter one of her contests. And I look forward to reading my prize. :P
Take care,
In this case, Ms. Tyler asked authors (anyone could enter) to annonymously write 100-words of flash fiction. The contest would end on Sept. 15 and she would let us know who won the prizes.
I was blown away with all of the entries, and of course, had to enter myself. I wrote "My Favorite Story." I told manly man I was definitely not going to win anything with all the other fabulous entries out there. To which in true loving he replied, "Quit putting your writing down. So, it's not perfect, it'll get better the more you do it." I do tend to put my writing down, but some of the flash fiction entered was truly great, and definitely better than mine. There I go again.
Ms. Tyler announced yesterday that she was also blown away and instead of a readers poll (there were so many entries and some authors didn't title their stories), she was going to feature each author on her blog (which I am super excited about). We each also won a copy of one of her short-short collections and a chance to be "involved" with the new book she is working on (also a real honor for any writer).
Will I get too be "involved" in her book? I don't know, but it was a truly fun experience to even get to enter one of her contests. And I look forward to reading my prize. :P
Take care,
New Blog
This is a new blog, so bear with me while I make changes and get used to this thing they call blogging.
Intro Blog:
Hi, my name is Jane and I am an aspiring erotica writer. I would also say I'm a fairly new writer. I read the bios of my favorite authors and most of them say they have written for as long as they can remember. Their first stories were written in kindergarten.
I'm not like that. I have written a few stories over the years (because yes, I did feel the need to get them out of my head and on paper), but I have not had the time they seem to be able to make for their craft. Which does make me feel a little like I somehow don't deserve to write.
I was married young and had my first child by the time I was twenty-two. I don't think my writing is nearly on par with my favs, but I'm working on it. My manly man (that's what I call the spouse) who is an artist (on the side, after his 9 - 5 job) says that most creative types don't ever think their work is "good" enough. He says there are a lot of his pieces that he hates, but the buyer loves and it's all (too quote a cliche) "in the eye of the beholder." So here I go - off to write my heart out. And hopefully, while I might not always like the finished work, someone does.
Take care,
Intro Blog:
Hi, my name is Jane and I am an aspiring erotica writer. I would also say I'm a fairly new writer. I read the bios of my favorite authors and most of them say they have written for as long as they can remember. Their first stories were written in kindergarten.
I'm not like that. I have written a few stories over the years (because yes, I did feel the need to get them out of my head and on paper), but I have not had the time they seem to be able to make for their craft. Which does make me feel a little like I somehow don't deserve to write.
I was married young and had my first child by the time I was twenty-two. I don't think my writing is nearly on par with my favs, but I'm working on it. My manly man (that's what I call the spouse) who is an artist (on the side, after his 9 - 5 job) says that most creative types don't ever think their work is "good" enough. He says there are a lot of his pieces that he hates, but the buyer loves and it's all (too quote a cliche) "in the eye of the beholder." So here I go - off to write my heart out. And hopefully, while I might not always like the finished work, someone does.
Take care,
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