I read a few blogs (to the right) and one of the authors I love (and I mean love, love, LOVE) said the best place for writers to go for a ton of tips was Erotica Readers and Writers Association. So I went and I signed up (for all four or five groups). I'm still learning my way around and, "Whoa boy!" its crazy.
Not only is it a website of information (call for submissions, adult toys, stories posted, etc.), but from what I can tell, it's also kind of like a chat but through email. Cool, right? Wrong. For someone like me (easily distracted) it's crazy! I have Google Desktop and when the little email box loads and says I have another email, I HAVE to read it. Right then. Like. Right. Now.
I'm either going to have to unsubscribe (which would kind of bum me out because the posts/comments are kinda fun to read and get good info from) or figure out how to automatically send them to an email folder so they don't show up in my inbox. I'm sure there is a way to do that, I've just never tried. Off I go.

UPDATE: Well, I set up an automatic forward to a folder and it seems to be working. So...Yay!
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