Friday, December 31

Happy New Year!

Tonight I am going to be at home in front of my laptop with my earphones in and typing away. I'm working on my latest project and I can't seem to get it out fast enough. 

Last night, as I lay in bed trying to get to sleep, I kept having these scenes play out, dialogue, and orders of events I want to remember. (This actually happens to me a lot, and I think, 'I'll remember it when I wake up.' But I never do.)  Because I always struggle to remember what I had thought of the previous night, I decided to write it down. But...No pen/paper at hand. (It was cold last night, and I didn't want to get out of my warm bed.) So, there I am, typing in my memo pad on my cell phone the things I don't want to forget. My thumbs were so achy when I put the phone down, I couldn't help but laugh at myself.

So, my plans are to expanded and transfer what I typed last night. What are you doing? 

I hope everyone has a safe and fun New Year!!

Monday, December 20

Crazy Busy...

I always have so much to do in December, but I never feel like I get any of it done.

It's the home stretch to Christmas and I still have so much to do. I'm sorry I haven't been posting more; I feel like I haven't stopped going since my last post. Gifts to buy, parties to attend, stories to write, and oh yeah, child to take care of, dinner to make, day job to go to...I'm exhausted. When does my vacation time kick in for next year?

On a side note, while shopping for gifts for family and friends, I bought some sexy new 'alone time with hubby' outfits. They were on sale and I went a little crazy. When hubby saw the store name on the bags he, too, went a little crazy. We had a blast and a bang with my little fashion show. *wink*

Tuesday, December 7

I called in sick...

to my day job yesterday. My little one woke up with a slight fever yesterday morning, and so, I stayed home with him. I put him back down to sleep, and when he woke up at around 11:00 am, his fever had broke (was broken?). It was actually a good day after that. I was able to get a couple of hours of writing in (woohoo, started a new story) and catch up on some of my TV shows while LO played and colored.

For a sick day, it wasn't half bad.

P.S. You can find this awesome handmade magnet here.